Faith Lutheran Youth

Youth in grades 7 through 12 are invited to be a part of FLY.  This is where our young people really turn their faith into action, helping themselves and the people around them in our community and beyond.

  • Calendar of Events

    FLY has regular gatherings during the school year. Ninth-through-12th graders come together two Sunday mornings each month during the education hours. Our times are filled with activities to help the youth continue to form their faith. They also explore a spiritual take on current events and the challenges facing today's teens. And of course, there's time for fun and socializing. 

    See Calendar for Current Events


  • Our Mission

    The mission of FLY is to impact and engage the youth of our congregation and any who choose to be with us. They continue to grow in their faith, while their parents serve as vital partners as they fulfill the promises they made at their children's Baptisms. Our adults are present with our youth in their journeys of faith whether it be through service on a summer mission trip -- serving those in need in our own community -- igniting our faith at the biennial national ELCA Youth Gathering --  or at our local Synod Youth Gatherings where we study and discuss God's Word and its impact on our lives today. We conduct fundraising as a team for our trips -- and of course, we enjoy getting to know each other better and having fun.  All are welcome!

  • Experience FLY

    Faith Lutheran Youth - Enjoy time together in a variety of gatherings.  During the Christmas Season they find several ways to have fun through games, sock exhanges and meeting up with FLY Alumni. FLY_Fun_and_Games.pdf

    Dinners and Soup Suppers - One of the ways that FLY raises money is through Dinners and Soup Suppers.  The members work hard in preparing and delivering these meals.  FLY_Dinners_and_Soup_Suppers.pdf

    Each Spring when the flowers begin to bloom, Falth Lutheran Youth hold an annual plant sale.  FLY_Plant_Sales.pdf