Opportunities to Serve - Sundays



Phone: 715-387-3757

Greeters welcome people before services and assist visitors. 

Coffee Hour Volunteers host a relaxed time of sharing and fellowship between services. 

Communion Assistants assist the pastor with serving Communion. 

Worship Assistants help the pastor with leadership during services. 

Readers read scripture lessons during worship services. 

Ushers prepare the sanctuary for worship, hand out bulletins, assist with Communion and offerings, pick up after each service, and restock pew holders. 

Sunday School Teachers may do team teaching, teach all or part of the year, or be available as substitutes. Training is provided to assist new teachers. 

Musicians - There are many different ways to join in song at Faith Lutheran Church. 

  • The Adult Choir practices weekly
  • Young people have music time during Sunday School and have opportunities to share their song in worship. 
  • Many musicians choose to share their talents as pianists, instrumentalists in Faith Fire, song leaders, cantors, organists, and with offerings of special music. 

Multi-Media Support includes the projectionists who run the slides during worship services, and those who prepare the slide decks. 

Leadership & Mission Teams

Church Council members serve terms of 3 years as they provide overall directions and evaluations of the church's ministries on the congregation's behalf. Mission teams do the detailed work -- and their functions were reorganized in 2018 to reflect the church's current goals.  The council meets monthly, and the mission teams are scheduled to do the same. Each team has a council member as a liaison. 

Many initiatives at Faith Lutheran Church start in the mission teams. If you have ideas, please take them to the appropriate mission teams.  If you're looking for contacts, please call the church office.

Education Mission Team develops and coordinates an effective teaching ministry that provides study-and-growth opportunities for all of the congregation's members/partners. 

The Faith in Action Team deals with matters that include giving and other stewardship, incorporating new members into church life, planning social activities that promote ties for our congregation, and promoting our ministry to the unchurched. 

The Youth Advisory Team's goal is to provide a Christian environment where youth can meet and come together to share ideas, emotions, and needs to develop a faithful Christian life. The major focus is on 7th through 12th graders in FLY, Faith Lutheran Youth.

The Memorial Mission Team accepts, manages and disperses designated gifts in accordance with donors' wishes within a list of causes. The team invests donated funds, determines worthy causes, and records donations.

The Facilities Management Team is responsible for the care (maintenance, repairs, bids/negotiations and improvements) of all physical properties of the church. 

The Social Concerns/Green Team plans, stimulates, coordinates and supervises the ministry of social concerns in the congregation -- and to our larger society. Pictured: Members received cloth grocery bags to reduce usage of plastic bags.

The Worship & Music Team seeks to enrich the worship life of the congregation. The team works with music directors, musicians, and the congregation to share the joy of music with Faith and our community. It also recruits and develops readers, greeters, ushers, communion assistants, and the altar team which sets the Lord's table and cares for related decorations, acolyte gowns, etc. 

The Personnel Team establishes and reviews personnel policies for recruitment, training and performance management of paid staff, and provides input as needed for personnel issues. It also collaborates with mission teams on staffing matters.

Community Outreach

Quilters - People make quilts, lap robes, child care kits and baby sweaters. On the first, third and fifth Thursdays of each month quilters meet in Faith's lower level in the mornings to sew and put quilts together. 

Soup or Socks - A community food pantry and clothes closet sponsored by the churches of the community, housed at First Presbyterian Church. Donations of food or clothes may be dropped off in the collection box at Faith.

Email Prayer Chain - Takes requests from anyone with a prayer concern, and is not limited to members. 

Visitations - Volunteers visit and/or take Communion to shut-ins, elderly, nursing homes, and hospitalized members of the congregation. 

Adult Mission Trips - Since 2017, Faith adults have used their skills to help and serve others during adult mission trips. In 2018, a "Stay-at-Home" mission trip resulted in the remodeling of a room at Marshfield's Hannah Center, in the photo to the left.

Boy Scout Troops/Girl Scout Troops - These groups hold meetings at Faith during various times of the year.