Confirmation Grades 6 through 8

  • For more information to enroll your child in confirmation, please call the church office at 715-387-3757 for details. 

Faith Lutheran Church's Sunday Program starts the second Sunday after Labor Day and continues through the third Sunday in May, from 10:15 to 11:00 a.m. We offer classes to children who are at least 3 years old before September 1st through 8th grade.


Our Confirmation Programs is designed to help students deepen their Faith Formation.

It is a 3-year program that begins when students enter 6th grade and ends at the end of their 8th grade year.


Confirmation requirements include learning to acolyte, attending a 2-night Confirmation Connection, attending Sunday morning classes, learning the Sacraments, attending a retreat, and taking sermon notes.


Students participate in 1-2 community service projects, and 1-2 service projects for the church throughout the year.

  • Confirmation Students

    Faith Lutheran Confirmation students get involved in many activities from 6th grade through 8th grade.  From attending confirmation camp and retreats to serving their community, confirmation students not only learn about God's Word but they are fulfilling the mission of Faith Lutheran...Loved by God, Living for Others.  Confirmation_Review.pdf